Oskar Sigurdsson - The Extra Mile

the extra mile

In Luke 5:17-24 Going the “ extra mile “ is a term used to describe when someone does more than required of him. Jesus referred to the law of restitution in Exodus and the law that permitted a Roman soldier to compel a Jewish man to carry his load a mile. When people go the extra mile for us it indicates they value their relationship with us. If anyone truly has gone the extra mile for us it is Jesus, Who made Himself of no reputations and took upon Him a form of a servant and gave His life to bring us back to the Father, that´s how much He valued the relationship with us. In the text, we find four men who went the extra mile with their paralysed friend to get him to Jesus. In spite of the opposition they faced, their faith was tenacious and the Bible says when Jesus saw their faith He healed the paralytic.