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Hey Guys,

Brian Bernard here - Executive Pastor at Restore Church, a Spirit-filled church, preaching the Word of God to the nation of New Zealand, in an inspiring and effective way.

The Discipleship Course has been an absolute game-changer, not just for us here at Restore Church Tauranga... but for people like you. The amazing people in this community and city of Tauranga!

Further down this page you can read some of the amazing testimonies people have had by attending some of our previous Discipleship Courses further down this page. It’s been life-changing for many!

And there are many more all over the world who have the same experience after attending this Discipleship Course. Organisations like the Billy Graham Ministries, Youth for Christ International, Moody Institute of Science, Campus Crusade for Christ, and others have all taught this course, with hundreds of people attending.

If you want to attend this exact-same course where people’s lives have completely transformed and it’s completely for FREE, so please keep reading.

I’ve been thoroughly impressed by the success of the Discipleship courses at Restore Church. Rev. Brian Bernard has done a fantastic job teaching the fundamental principles of the Christian faith. Great material from The Navigators.
— Oskar Sigurdsson (Pastor of Restore Church)


Time and location.

Each class is short, actionable and up-to-date.
By the time you have worked through the course, you will have learned and practiced the essentials of discipleship as well as how to keep Christ in the centre of your life. And the reason I know these classes will work for you, is that so many of our students have that testimony.

There will also be insightful exercises and discussion-promoting questions to make everything as simple as possible for you and help you grow towards maturity in your daily walk with God.

The objective.
Is to shift away from the pursuit of only “head knowledge” toward real lives transformed for the glory of God. In short, these discipleship courses are not only taught but caught. It is important to teach a disciple the Word and ways of God, but equally important to live out what we teach.

So if you’re ready to join this amazing life-transforming course, here’s how you can sign up for the course today.

You will learn:

  • The great truths of the Bible.

  • Learn the essentials of discipleship.

  • A deep understanding of God’s love for all humanity.

  • How to keep Christ in the centre of your life.

  • Learn and live in the power of the Spirit and not by your own strength.

  • And so much more!

What the course will look like:

Course 1 - Your life in Christ

  • Week 1 - God Cares For You (Aug 2)

  • Week 2 - The Person of Jesus Christ (Aug 9)

  • Week 3 - The Work of Christ (Aug 16)

  • Week 4 - The Spirit Within You (Aug 23)

Course 2 - The Spirit-Filled Christian

  • Week 1 - The Obedient Christian (Nov 8)

  • Week 2 - God’s Word In Your Life (Nov 15)

  • Week 3 - Conversing With God (Nov 22)

  • Week 4 - Fellowship with Christians (Nov 29)

  • Week 5 - Witnessing For Christ (Dec 6)

Course 3 - Walking With Christ

  • Week 1 - Maturing in Christ (Feb 21)

  • Week 2 - The Lordship of Christ (Feb 28)

  • Week 3 - Faith and the Promises of God (March 7)

  • Week 4 - Knowing God’s Will (March 14)

  • Week 5 - Walking As a Servant (March 21

Course 4 - The Character of a Follower of Jesus

  • Week 1 - The Call to Fruitful Living (May 2)

  • Week 2 - Authentic Love in Action (May 9)

  • Week 3 - Purity of Life (May 16)

  • Week 4 - Integrity in Living (May 23)

  • Week 5 - Character Development in Suffering (May 30)

Course 5 - Foundations For Faith
(Dates coming soon)

  • Week 1 - Who Is God?

  • Week 2 - The Authority of God’s Word

  • Week 3 - The Holy Spirit

  • Week 4 - Spiritual Warfare

  • Week 5 - The Return of Christ

Course 6 - Growing in Discipleship
(Dates coming soon)

  • Week 1 - What Is A Disciple

  • Week 2 - The Responsible Steward

  • Week 3 - Helping Others Find Christ

  • Week 4 - Establishing

  • Week 5 - World Vision

Course 7 - Our Hope in Christ
(Dates coming soon)

  • Week 1 - 1 Thessalonians: Your Survey

  • Week 2 - 1 Thessalonians: Chapter 1

  • Week 3 - 1 Thessalonians: Chapter 2

  • Week 4 - 1 Thessalonians: Chapter 3

  • Week 5 - 1 Thessalonians: Chapter 4

  • Week 6 - 1 Thessalonians: Chapter 5

  • Week 7 - 1 Thessalonians: Your Summary


Just seconds after you have registered, we’ll send you a form that you will need to bring with you when you arrive for your first class. We recommend that you either print the form out or print screen it.


Now It's Your Turn. Join The Discipleship Course Today!

I’d like to invite you one last time to participate in this course and learn how to keep Christ in the centre of your life!

We’ve made sure this is a completely safe decision for you to make, without any risk whatsoever, completely FREE. So click the button below!

Thank you so much for joining me here on the course today. We can’t wait to see what God has inshore for.

- Brian Bernard


Testimonials From People Who Have Attended Our Course

We really appreciated the Discipleship course.
The topics offered a good mix of fundamentals and new perspectives.
Rev. Brian Bernard did an excellent job in delivering the material and encouraging participation.
— Jakob Bjornsson
Sitting with a group of like-minded people who were intentionally pursuing the Knowledge of God really encouraged me. I really enjoyed the workbook that guided us in a discussion as it was filled with foundational questions alongside scripture references providing a platform to grab a hold of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. In summary, I would highly recommend it to anyone on their faith journey.
— Naomi Hanson
For me attending the Discipleship Course was a HUGE step out of my comfort zone to be around other like-minded people who love Jesus. I’ve lived a pretty isolated life for the past 3 years working through some addictions and I hadn’t really mingled with others much. I had recently started to attend Restore Church and when I heard about the course I decided to register and force myself to step out and go. I don’t want to be bound to an isolated life anymore but hope to be more courageous and allow the Lord to use me to share my experiences in Him, and the gifts and talents he has blessed me with to be a blessing to others.
— Karla Horn
The first day I heard about the course I knew I had to do it. Although very basic like suitable for new Christians, I found going over foundational truth put me back on the right course again with God & my mind was being renewed again.
— Pauline Toye

If you have any question please ask below