We can never become all that God meant for us to be if we be partial. Jesus held nothing back in order to purchase us back to God. He was all in completely surrendered to His Father´s purpose for His life. Bible says, " give and it will come back to you " What we give ourselves to, will give it self back to us.
Discerning the Distractions
This message deals with whether we go after our destiny or cling to our history. You cannot follow Him while where you came from is more important to you then where He´s going. " Me first " is an attitude that can cause us forfeit our destiny, therefore we must discern the distractions. Magnifying glass helps you narrow down what you are focusing on. What we give attention to we give life to. We delete the distractions by magnifying the LORD.
Mercy Made it Possible
Every one of us has been gifted by the Master. We were slaves to sin, but the slave became a recipient of His Grace and empowered to be good stewards over the Master's goods. Our gifts are not ours, all belongs to God. What Adam lost in the garden Jesus came to restore and the power was put back in the believers' hands to be wise decision makers and fruitful stewards. We should not envy others of their gifts and talents but multiply what has given to us for He gave everyone according to our ability.
The Water Just Broke
Series: "Mystery of the Tabernacle"
Moses had to build the Tabernacle according to the pattern. God has an order of worship. Proceeding our freedom He brings order and structure into our life.
Responsibility of Freedom
Series: “Mystery of the Tabernacle”
The purpose of the Tabernacle was to restore Israel to a place of worship. God freed you to worship Him.